
Our membership includes representatives from many Hamilton County jurisdictions (including Springfield and Colerain Townships) that are first-ring suburbs of the City of Cincinnati. Our member communities are diverse, with varying economic and demographic characteristics. All FSC-SWO members have a desire to coordinate with and learn from one another how to address their challenges and opportunities.

Become a Member 

As a member of FSC-SWO, your community will have immediate representation in the Consortium. Members may attend all FSC-SWO meetings and receive exclusive and timely updates on important developments that concern the First Suburbs of Southwest Ohio.

We are stronger together. Join FSC-SWO today. 

For questions about membership, fees or the cover letter and invoice below, please contact us at 513-235-7824. 

Member Benefits

FSC-SWO brings several layers of value to our member communities and our region. Our executive committee and member community representatives work on behalf of all First Suburbs on issues that impact our communities, including:

  • The need for consistent representation and lobbying efforts in local, state and federal governments
  • Declining population
  • Aging residential housing
  • Declining tax bases that are not meeting infrastructure maintenance needs or the provision of basic services
  • Heroin, opioid and other drug epidemics
  • Construction and infrastructure changes, such as new pipelines
  • Ensuring First Suburb communities receive appropriate designated funds for projects and maintenance


Member Resources

FSC-SWO maintains and library of research and educational tools to support the work of the Consortium, its member communities and First Suburbs across the nation. Explore our Resources here.